Geriatric Massage Services

Geriatric massage should only be performed by therapists who are trained and skilled in the use of the modality. This is a style of massage that makes use of gentle strokes combined with light stretching. The goal is to manipulate the muscles and joints along with their tendons.

We will take special care to keep the strokes light in order to avoid harming delicate skin and muscles. We do not want to exacerbating any preexisting conditions.

Geriatric massage provides many excellent benefits. Clinical studies have shown that massage is a good choice to help improve blood and lymph circulation. These can be very helpful to seniors who often suffer from poor circulation. Additionally, because of the improved circulation, toxins will leave the body more quickly which will improve your overall vitality.

One of the effects of age related joint stiffness and arthritis is the pain. This pain can impact mobility which may, in turn, increase feelings of helplessness leading to depression. Getting regular massages help to soothes joint stiffness and lower pain levels from arthritis leading to a more enjoyable life.

And let's not forget that studies have proven that the human touch is extremely powerful. Touch helps create bonds with others while lowering anxiety levels. The bottom line is that touch will make people feel happier. Studies have shown that seniors report feeling less depressed while enjoying a more positive outlook following a massage.

 Geriatric Massage